A Summer of Inspiration: Our Retreat in the Catskill Mountains with Blue October

Hello everyone,


We hope this week treated you well and you're enjoying the last days of summer. We've been spending our time in the serene Catskill Mountains, surrounded by the beauty of nature and the inspiring company of Blue October. It's been an incredible journey, one that we can't wait to share with you all.


The Catskill Mountains have been a breath of fresh air, quite literally. The lush greenery, the tranquil streams, and the majestic wildlife have been a constant source of inspiration. We've been able to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of city life and reconnect with our creative roots. The peaceful environment has allowed us to focus on our music, and we've been able to create some truly remarkable pieces that we can't wait to share with you.


Of course, our retreat wouldn't have been the same without Blue October. Their passion for music and their unique approach to creating it has been a source of inspiration for us. We've learned so much from them, and we're excited to apply these lessons when we get back home. We believe that this experience will help us create even more music that resonates with you, our amazing fans.


While we've been working on confirming our next gig, we must admit that it's been a bit more challenging from New York than it would have been from home. But we're not letting that stop us. We're determined to finish the year out strong and have some big plans in the works for 2024.


As we prepare to head back home, we want to take a moment to express our gratitude. We're grateful for the opportunity to have this retreat, for the chance to learn from Blue October, and for the continued support from all of you. We hope that you've had a truly remarkable summer and that you continue to enjoy the rest of the year.


We're excited about what the future holds and can't wait to share our new music with you. Until then, keep enjoying the music, and we'll see you at our next gig.


Stay tuned for more updates, and as always, thank you for your unwavering support.


All the best,

Missy and Brian


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